Zach Edward Cruise | Kim Todd
"God showed us many signs that Zach was in Heaven. He used the clouds, the stars, birds, butterflies, the radio, and words from friends. I was amazed at how clearly He spoke to us. He used the clouds to show us a perfect heart, a cross, an “I love you” sign, the word HI, and a hand writing the letters Z a c in the clouds. God used birds to hug us, wave at us, and do flips in the air at us. He used stars and butterflies to show He controls everything in our universe. He showed me things in the Bible that I had never seen before that gave me such peace. He used friends to tell me things or bring me books that enlightened me about questions I had. God's presence was everywhere." ~ Excerpt from Heaven's Postcards.
We hope our heartfelt story influences the way you view your daily life and inspires you to embrace the comforting promise of life after death.
The devastating loss of a child is every parent's worst nightmare. Heaven's Postcards is the true story of our family's loss and the amazing signs we encountered. God allowed us to know there is life after death. He used nature and our own natural surroundings to prove it.
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